Links and resources

We can celebrate the fact that historicism has been held by a wide variety of Christians from different generations and backgrounds, while its core tenants remain the same over the centuries. Therefore this list of resources makes no distinction of denominations, Millennial subviews, or finer points. At the same time, a separate list of sources to be avoided can be found below of those who hold to problematic or even heretical ideas such as Seventh-Day Adventism, Nontrinitarianism, Anglo/British-Israelism, Christian Identity, and Neo-Confederacy. – A recently renovated website that focuses on premillennial historicism, with lots of great resources. The admin Joe Haynes has been a faithful beacon in the historicist community for 25 years, and has great podcast available on video or audio. He is also the admin of the Historicists Facebook group, where lots of interesting discussions take place. – ‘Historicist Commentaries on Revelation.’ A short introduction to historicism with links to many great resources categorized by centuries. – ‘Prophecy’ section. Some great resources available for download here. – “The central purpose of The Omega Path is to provide you with an understanding of the subject of Bible prophecy from the school of teaching known as ‘historicism’.” – Linked from above: “Classic Historicist Literature- A treasure trove of classic historicist literature, which has been scanned/converted and made freely available as beautifully presented PDFs. Entire books and extracts from authors such as, H. Grattan Guinness (Light for the Last Days, The Approaching End of the Age), E.B. Elliott (Horae Apocalypticae – ‘Hours with the Apocalypse’), E.P. Cachemaille (The Visions of Daniel & The Revelation Explained). Plus many other titles and authors.”

Historicists Facebook group – The aforementioned Facebook group ran by Joe Haynes. This group allows discussion on historicism in general, but focuses on premillennial historicism.

Reformed Historicism Facebook group – This is a larger discussion group, focusing on postmillennial/Reformed historicism specifically.

Moellerhaus Publisher – The website of author Fred P. Miller (1931 – 2018), his historicist book Revelation: A Panorama of the Gospel Age can be read online there, with many other excellent articles and resources as well.


  1. Abernethie, Thomas – Abjuration of Popery By A Former Jesuit Turned Reformed Christian In The Church Of Scotland
  2. Barnes, Albert – Notes on Revelation
  3. Beza, Theodore – The Pope’s Canons
  4. Birks, Thomas Rawson – First Elements of Sacred Prophecy
  5. Birks, Thomas Rawson – Outlines of Unfulfilled Prophecy
  6. Blakeney, R.P. – Protestant Catechism or Popery Refuted
  7. Brakel, Wilhelmus à – Commentary on Revelation
  8. Brightman, Thomas – The Revelation of St. John
  9. Brown, John (of Haddington) – Absurdity and Perfidy of all Authoritative Toleration of Gross Heresy, Blasphemy, Idolatry, Popery in Britain
  10. Brown, John – Commentary on Revelation
  11. Calvin, John – Rise of the Papacy with Proof from Daniel and Paul
  12. Clarke, Adam – Commentary and Critical Notes – Romans-Revelation
  13. Clarke, Samuel – on Revelation
  14. Collins, Oral Edmond – The Final Prophecy of Jesus
  15. Dabney, Robert L. – Attractions of Popery
  16. Daniels, Michael – The First Rays of Millennial Morning Light: An Overview of Historicism Classical Post Millennialism
  17. Historic Covenanter view of Eschatology
  18. Dent, Arthur – The Ruin of Rome
  19. Diodati, Jean on Revelation
  20. Doolittle, Thomas – Popery is a Novelty
  21. Downame, George – A Treatise concerning Antichrist
  22. Durham, James – Commentary.
  23. Dutch Annotations on Revelation
  24. Edwards, Jonathan – Notes on the Apocalypse
  25. Edwards, Jonathan – The History of Redemption
  26. Elliot, Rev. E.B. – Horae Apocalypticae; or, A commentary on the Apocalypse, critical and historical; including also an examination of the chief prophecies of Daniel (1852)
  27. Fairbairn, Patrick – Is Popery the Antichrist?
  28. Fairbairn, Patrick – The Interpretation of Prophecy
  29. Fleming, Robert (the younger)– The Apocalyptical Key, or The Rise and Fall of the Papacy
  30. Fleming, Robert (the younger) – Postscript on the First Principles of Protestant Apocalyptic Interpretation.
    From Reformation to Reformation Ministries – The Revelation of St. John the Divine
  31. Fraser, Alexander – A Key to the Prophecies of the Old & New Testaments
  32. Geneva Bible – Notations on Revelation (both 1560 and 1599) (1560 Geneva Bible annotations on Revelation were written by John Bale and Heinrich Bullinger; the 1599 Geneva Bible annotations on Revelation were written by Francis Junius)
  33. George, R.J. – Badge of Popery
  34. Gill, John – Exposition of the Old and New Testament (Revelation commentary)
  35. Giles, Jason – Our Past and Future Hope: Reintroducing a Traditional Faith-Building Eschatology
  36. Goodwin, Thomas – Third volume of his Works.
  37. Guinness, H. Grattan – Romanism and the Reformation from the Standpoint of Prophecy
  38. Harper, Joe – Lost Eschatology: Our Protestant Heritage Recovered: An Introduction to Historicist Postmillennialism
  39. Hengstenberg, E.W. on Revelation
  40. Henry, Matthew – Popery, A Spiritual Tyranny
  41. Henry, Matthew – Commentary on Revelation (written by William Tong)
  42. Hibbard, Freeborn Garretson – Eschatology; or, The doctrine of the last things, according to the chronology and symbolism of the Apocalypse
  43. Johnston, Bryce – A Commentary on the Revelation of St. John
  44. Knox, John – Admonition to Flee Idolatry, Romanism and all False Worship
  45. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – Antichrist in Scripture (pdf)
  46. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – Biblical Predictions not Preterist but Historicist (pdf)
  47. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – Calvin on Islam (pdf)
  48. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – Daniel’s Eschatology (pdf). Download the accompanying prophetic chart (pdf).
  49. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – Islam in the Bible (pdf)
  50. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – John’s Historicistic Epistles (pdf)
  51. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – John’s Revelation Unveiled (pdf)
  52. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – Luther on Islam and the Papacy (pdf)
  53. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – The Anti-Preterist Historicism of John Calvin and the Westminster Standards (pdf)
  54. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – The Man of Sin in 2nd Thessalonians (pdf)
  55. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – The Olivet Discourse and the Destruction of Jerusalem in Prophecy (pdf)
  56. Lee, Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel – The Sixth Point of Calvinism: Eschato-ethics (pdf)
  57. Manton, Thomas – Sermons on 2 Thessalonians 2 on the Growth and Fall of Antichrist
  58. Marlorat, Augustin on Revelation
  59. Mason, Archibald – Three Discourses on the Millennium
  60. Mather, Cotton on Revelation
  61. Mayer, John – An Antidote Against Popery
  62. McLeod, Alexander – Lectures on the Principal Prophecies of Revelation
  63. Mede, Joseph – A Key to the Apocalypse
  64. Miller, Fred P. – Revelation: A Panorama of the Gospel Age
  65. Ness, Christopher – Protestant Antidote against the Poison of Popery
  66. Newton, Thomas – Dissertations on the Prophecies
  67. Newton, Sir Isaac – Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John
  68. Pareus, David on Revelation
  69. Petto, Sam – The Revelation Unveiled
  70. Plumer, William – Earnest Hours
  71. Pond, Enoch – Essay on The Apocalypse: When Written, and By Whom.
  72. Pond, Enoch – Review of Moses Stuart’s Praeterism.
  73. Poole, Matthew – Latin Synopsis (English Annotations on Revelation written by John Collinges)
  74. Puffendorff, Samuel – The History of Popedom
  75. Puritan Downloads resources on “The Papacy is the Antichrist”
  76. Rutherford, Samuel – A Survey of the Spiritual Antichrist
  77. Scott, Thomas on Revelation
  78. Simpson, David – A Key to the Prophecies
  79. Steele, David – Commentary on Revelation
  80. Steele, David – Notes on the Apocalypse.
  81. Steele, David – pamphlet on The Two Witnesses. Their Cause, Number, Character, Furniture and Special Work.
  82. Turretin, Francis. 7th Disputation-Whether it can be proven the Pope of Rome is the Antichrist (listed under Ch. 25.6)
  83. Webster, Daniel – The Church of Rome at the Bar of History
  84. Westminster – Annotations on Revelation
  85. Whitby, Daniel – The Fallibility of the Roman Church
  86. Whitaker, William – Disputations on Holy Scripture
  87. Whitaker, William – The Roman Pontiff is that Antichrist whose Presence Scripture Prophesied
  88. Wilkinson, Henry – The Pope of Rome is Antichrist
  89. Windburn, Rand – The Abomination of Desolation: Past, Present, or Future?
  90. Wright, Chad – “The Pope is the Very Antichrist” A Necessary Conviction of the 21st Century Christian
  91. Wylie, J.A. – The Papacy is the Antichrist: A Demonstration (pdf)
  92. Wylie, J.A. – The Seventh Vial



Joe Haynes
Reformation 500’s 2017 Winter Conference Lectures on the Papacy as Antichrist
Rev. David Silversides – The Identity of Antichrist, Who is the Man of Sin?
W.J. Mencarow’s sermons on the book of Revelation
Richard Bennett sermons
Steven Dilday sermons – Revelation series, Revelation commentary
Greg Price sermons – Revelation, Daniel
Ian Paisley – One World Church, One World Religion
Robert McCurley – Papal Antichrist,


Authors/Sites to avoid

There are some authors associated with what they would call ‘historicism’, which is usually bundled with problematic or even heretical ideas such as Seventh-Day Adventism, Nontrinitarianism, Anglo/British-Israelism, Christian Identity, and Neo-Confederacy:

Ellen G. White
Le Roy Edwin Froom
Robert Caringola
Charles Jennings
Roger Rusk
Truth In History,
David Nikao Wilcoxson,