Changing Availability

Our Past and Future Hope is now available on Kindle Unlimited, which is Amazon’s ebook subscription service. I’m trying it out for a few months to hopefully take advantage of free giveaways and promotions that Amazon only offers with KU enrollment. Because they require exclusivity, sadly I had to take each chapter off of this website except for the introduction and a small bit of the first chapter. I can still offer a free ARC (Advance Reader Copy) for review- simply email me at

On the other hand, I removed Nuestra Esperanza Pasada y Futura from KU, so now I’ve added it to the site for to read for free. The ebook is also available for free download- see here for details.

I’ve also started a Patreon in case anyone is interested in supporting Reforming Eschatology in our mission to share the hope of Jesus Christ as revealed in prophetic Scriptures. All proceeds go toward marketing, giveaways, and teaching materials.


Jason Giles

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