Testa-mini zines

Below is a collection of mini-zines from family and friends that share the hope of Jesus Christ. Feel free to print out and distribute (without alteration). For instructions on how to fold or make your own zine, see here.

Written by Jason Giles, PROOF is a double-sided mini zine about the amazing ‘Seventy Sevens’ prophecy in Daniel 9. It prints fine in black and white, and highlighters are used on the logo and timeline portion.

Written by a friend at Phoshilaronzines@gmail.com, “Those Who Walk In Darkness” is a double-sided zine about our Light and Salvation.

BEYOND is a mini zine about the God of the universe that sees and cares for you.

“The Feelings of Being Alone” is a mini zine about how God can help us in our loneliness.

“Ye Olde Skin Suit” is a mini zine by Christi Raney about how God is able to use us in our weakness.

“Faith Cycle” is another mini zine by Christi Raney about the process of faith God invites us into.